Black Capped Chickadee

Birds of Cold Creek


Within the property, over 50 bird nesting boxes have been installed to support a variety of wintering and migratory bird species. Nesting boxes are monitored to determine the types of birds that use the nesting boxes. Common species include Chickadee, Tree Swallow, Blue Bird, and Wren. The list provided to the left outlines bird species that have been observed at Cold Creek since the implementation of the 2002 Master Plan. 

Map of Nesting Box Locations (PDF)


Bird Friendly City Certification


King Township was certified as a Bird Friendly City by Nature Canada in March 2023. This certification means that we have met the standard regarding reducing threats to birds in King Township, protecting and restoring natural habitat and increasing climate resiliency; and actively engaging the community through education and outreach; including the formation of a Bird Team. Cold Creek Conservation Area is a key migratory location for all type of birds including the Bobo Link and Blue Birds and was key in acquiring certification. A World Migratory Bird Day Celebration will take place May 13, 2023, at Cold Creek Conservation n which a guided hike and other bird friendly activities will take place. For more information, please see the community calendar. 

Build A Bird Box

Linked below are nest box plans that can get you started!

Bird Friendly Links